Road trip – Arches National Park, 4/24/21

Today we spend the day at Arches National Park. We go early to make sure we will get to see everything we want. As is by 11 AM our last stop is so crowded that we are unable to find a parking space. By the time we leave around noon the park is closed because it is at capacity.

I have a ton of pictures that I will just caption.

This is an explanation about how Arches NP came to be
Here is a picture of the same view as the explanatory placard
Different formations have whimsical names. This is the Courthouse (I think)
The Three Gossips
Interesting formation
The formation on the right is called The Sheep. This is actually a fallen arch. It started on the left and was connected to the head of the sheep
Explanation of fallen arch
John’s head is where the arch was
Mary and the Three Gossips
Our next stop is at Balanced Rock. It is a very popular site.
Balanced rock
Another view of Balanced Rock. There are actually quite a few of these “balanced” rocks but this one is the very large and standing on its own.
John in front of a formation near to Balanced Rock
Mary and Balanced Rock
John and a gnarly tree
On our way to Double Arch we see formations with “windows”
Explanation of how the Double Arch was formed
Double Arch from a distance
You can see how immense the Double Arch is by the size of the people swarming everywhere
John and Double Arch
Our next stop is at Delicate Arch. Delicate Arch is the iconic picture on the brochure.
We decide that the 3 mile hike to Delicate Arch which the brochure says is harder than you think is probably too much for me. So we hike to a view point and take a long distance shot.

The last thing we are planning on seeing is Devil’s Garden where there are several arches. But the crowds and traffic make it impossible so we decide to leave and let someone else have a chance to get into the park.

We go to downtown Moab and have an excellent pizza at Antica Forma.

Pizza from Antica Forma, Moab, UT

The rest of the day we spend shopping for the next day’s picnic and at the hotel watching some TV and planning our adventures for tomorrow.