O Canada! 8/27/19

We have to get up really early today because we are catching the ferry to Victoria on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. The ferry company makes the threat that if you’re not there an hour early your reservation will not be honored and you might not get on the boat. So our boat is leaving at 8:15 which means we have to be there at 7:15 and we are half an hour away so you do the math.

We are in a long line of cars and trucks and probably the most paradoxical thing that we see is a truck pulling a boat onto the ferry. A boat taking a boat seems a bit redundant. The crossing is about an hour and a half.  We get to Victoria and government officials check our passports and off we go. Our goal today is to see Butchart Gardens. The gardens are very beautiful and are the number one attraction on the island. They are about 40 minutes away from Victoria.

Boat getting on ferry
Ferry pulling into Victoria Harbor

It is pretty busy at the Butchart Gardens. I think we expected it to be a little less populated because kids were going back to school. Interestingly, a lot of the people here are Commonwealth people. We hear English in all sorts of accents. They all must get along pretty well because everyone seems jovial with everyone else. There do not seem to be too many Americans.

We see such beautiful flowers, plants, and trees all set in perfect combinations— dark foliage with bright flowers, big and small-leaved shade plants, and flowers in every shape and size. Some of the things that I like are the  hanging baskets, the zinnia and dahlia area, the Japanese garden, the carousel, and the rose garden. It is not the best time of year for roses however.

Hanging basket
Mary under hanging basket
Sunken garden
Flowery vista
Shady garden
Weeping sequoia
Fountain monster
Daises and dahlias
Zinnias and dahlias
I love yellow roses!
Rose bud about to unfurl

We eat at their cafeteria style restaurant since it is difficult to get reservations in the table-service restaurant.  We both have a vegetarian curry over basmati rice which is just okay. It is a little sweet and too gloppy for me. 

Luncheon curry glop on top of basmati rice with cauliflower


Although it is only around 2PM we are pretty worn out and make our way to the hotel, the Grand Pacific. It is right on the harbor in Victoria and now I wish I had booked a harbor view instead of the cheaper city view. We spend the rest of the afternoon catching up on mail and taking a nap.

Dinner is just a trip downstairs to the Pacific Lounge where we share a small plates dinner of calamari and scallops. After dinner we take a stroll along the harbor with all its lights.

Scallops on pork belly with corn puree
Empress Hotel at night reflected in the harbor
Parliament Building at night



A very long day. 8/26/19

 Our first stop today is at the Mount St. Helens Interpretive Center near Castle Rock, WA. On our way in a park ranger stops us and asks if would we like to have our picture taken together. Of course we did. So he took a picture and he said, you know I was here when the mountain exploded. I was 19 years old. He said it was really eventful day. My thought immediately is, how could you be an older-looking guy? I was 31 in 1980!

Mary and John at the Mt. St. Helens Interpretive Center

Mt. St. Helens is a long way from the Interpretive Center. It is just a dim gray blob from the viewing area. Kind of a disappointment. But there are other things to do. We take some time and look at the plant identifying garden . Then we head to the door to look at the indoor exhibits. We are stopped at the door by a park ranger who says oh I’m sorry but there is no visiting today because we’ve had a power outage. Rats! Today is not going according to my carefully planned schedule!

Mt. St. Helen’s

I had scheduled an hour and a half of vacation time for the Interpretive Center today. So we decide we will take the 1 mile hike into the wetlands as an alternative. The wetlands were created by the formation of Silver Lake which was created by flows from Mount St. Helens in a previous eruption  and the eruption in 1980. No doubt we will see some of the half million birds who live and migrate through here, or some fish, or some other wildlife. Nada, nothing. Not even some bugs.  Today is not going well.

Maybe no birds, bugs, or wildlife but John is here!

No worries! We hop back in the car and John drives to Lattin’s Cider Mill just south of Olympia, WA where they are making apple cider and all sorts of apple goodies. We had an apple cider mill called Delicious Orchards near where I grew up. Their apple cider was so crisp that it tasted like biting into an apple. You could even taste the skin. The apple cider at Lattin’s really takes me back in time.

Laittn’s Cider Mill
Gala apples
Workers “cidering”
Lattin’s delicious apple cider and a pale but tasty apple turnover that we shared

Back on schedule we stop in Olympia, the capital of Washington. After an uninspired lunch we head over to the state capitol buildings complex. According to Wkipedia “The design of the Capitol Campus is a grand example of the City Beautiful style of the Progressive era of the early 20th Century. The City Beautiful style promoted beauty not only for its own sake, but also to create moral and civic virtue among urban populations.” The Mall in Washington D.C. completed in 1922 is a prime example of this.

John points out that the capitals on the columns on the portico are Corinthian but the ones in less prestigious areas are merely Doric. No need to spend extra bucks where they do not need to!

Washington State Capitol

I am not going to go into a long explanation about what happened next. I will just say we were sent on a two and a half hour detour which wrecked the schedule for the rest of the day. We were supposed to visit a lavender farm but never made it. But here is a picture of lavender which is abundant in this region outside of our restaurant for the evening, Blondie’s Plates.


Lastly we had some tasty small plates for dinner.

John’s first beer, Black Raven pale ale
Steamed clams and fries with brown gravy?
John’s second beer, Iron Horse Irish Death Stout
Because I was not keen on the clams, we ordered these yummy sliders

Today was a long day that did not work out perfectly but was fun nonetheless. We are off to bed. We have to get up at 6AM to catch our ferry to Victoria, British Columbia.


From cavemen to carousels. 8/25/19

This morning we are up early after, at least for me, a really bad night’s sleep. The hotel bedsheets are  covered with tiny pills which feel like sandpaper. It is not until 2 AM that I figure out a solution. If I put on my long pants, a long sleeved shirt, and socks, I’ll be able to get some sleep. Bonus! I am already dressed in the morning! We have breakfast at the hotel and then are off to get some gas and take a picture of the miner at the entrance to Yreka.

We say goodbye to the miner, his donkey, and Yreka.

Our first stop is in Grant’s Pass, OR. We stop at the visitor center which apparently does not expect any visitors on Sundays since it is closed. But we have an enjoyable walk around the building and take a picture of the Grant’s Pass caveman and some adorable bears by the welcome sign. Apparently people dressing up as cavemen is a long-standing tradition of boosterism for Grant’s Pass.

Grant’s Pass caveman
Welcome bears


After another hour we are up to Sutherlin, Oregon where we stop at the magic mushroom gift shop. It’s claim to fame is that it’s got magic mushrooms and a joint on the roof. I briefly consider buying a cream to put on my aching back but since I am allergic to so much stuff, I give the notion a pass. 

Marijuana is big business in Oregon

Our second stop in Sutherlin is the Depression Era, Rochester covered bridge. Oregon has a lot of covered bridges. We even passed a sign for a covered bridge museum! John says they built roofs over bridges to keep the wooden decking from rotting away.  The bridge is interesting and picturesque so we look at it with interest and take some pictures.

Mary at the bridge (Uh oh, car coming!)
John inside the bridge

Lunchtime! I have found a town, Springfield, OR, that has an Ethiopian restaurant and a giant Simpsons mural only blocks apart. Sounds like lunch and a short walk to me! Plus it is obvious that Addis is where we should eat because we get a parking space right out front.

John parallel parked right in front of the restaurant!

Our lunch is their veggie combo. It comes with a cold salad, split yellow peas, spicy red lentils, and cabbage with potatoes and carrots. You use the bread called injera to pick up mouthfuls of the tasty vegetables. It is not as good as our regular Ethiopian place in San Jose but better than another burger!

Veggie combo at Addis

The giant Simpsons mural is right down the street from Addis so we take an after lunch strolli to see it. This is the official Springfield that Matt Groening had in mind when he created the Simpsons. Groening worked with the town in the planning of the mural and Lisa came for the dedication.

Simpsons mural, Springfield, OR

We have have one more thing on our agenda today and that is the Carousel Museum in Albany, Oregon. We have visited another carousel museum, the Herschell Carrousel (spelled with two r’s) Factory Museum in Tonawanda, NY. Both are very interesting although I would give the NY museum the edge. It has lot more history and antique animals. In Albany they have an active carvers group who continue to make the carousel animals. You can view partially completed carvings in their workshop. You can also ride their beautiful merry-go-round if you buy a ticket.

Albany Carousel Museum
Working carousel

Here are pictures I took in 2007 of our visit to the NY museum –

Herschell Carrousel museum, Tonawanda, NY
John riding his trusty steed in 2007

We are spending the night in Keizer, Oregon. After an appropriate rest for two old geezers we find a place called Gustav’s Bargarten for dinner. We luck out! On Sundays they have a Happy Hour all day so drinks and bar foods are super cheap. We order pints of Hefeweizen and do the traditional Pilat vacation pose.

John has a Paulaner
I have a Hacker-Schorr (even though the glass says something else)

We share a pretzel and have sausages and fries.

German pretzel
Bierwurst and fries

Tomorrow we are off to Washington and have a volcano, a cider mill, a lavender farm and more on our agenda.


Yreka? Why not? 8/24/19

Our trip starts out not exactly on the right foot or on the left one either. It seems that Jack, our GPS, in an update of his maps, decides to delete the maps for North America and so when I look for Fairfield the answer I get is someplace in Ireland. But we have plenty of back up. We have my phone and we have the less than ideal system in the car. Anyway we find our way to Fairfield without any problem because we know where it is anyway and proceed to find a McDonald’s in a shopping mall that isn’t open. We give up on Fairfield and stop for breakfast at McDonald’s in Vacaville. It is OK, not great.

Our first sightseeing stop is in Redding, California. We go to the City Hall where they have a very nice sculpture garden. There are various works— some made of wood some made of granite or metal in a park like setting. We take advantage of the very small number of people in the park to take some pictures.

John at the Redding Sculpture Park
Mary in a sculpture called Wood—I feel like Jonah in the whale
John with a wooden wave


Next we go to the Turtlebay Exploration Center where we see the number one attraction in Redding, the Sundial Bridge. It is a pedestrian crossing of the Sacramento River. A guard on the bridge is nice enough to take a whole bunch of pictures of us.  It is not possible to spend too much time on the bridge since we are melting! The temperature is 95°! 

John on the Sundial Bridge
Picture thanks to the nice guard on the bridge
Old folks not at home

For lunch we stop at The  Habit in Redding. I am not very hungry since we had a big breakfast between 9:30 and 10. But John manages to finish up anything I leave behind. While we are waiting for our food, a guy next to John has a conversation him. What is it with people spontaneously talking to us!?  This guy needs to rant about the unfairness of the gender-neutral bathroom situation. He wants to wash his hands! He shouldn’t have to wait around for the bathroom to be free! We are somewhat taken aback.  I take out my Purell and we quietly clean off our hands.

The rest of the ride up to Yreka is uneventful. John drives and listens to the History of English podcast. Between bouts of nodding off frequently I catch sight of Mt. Shasta looming ahead.

Mt. Shasta ahead!

We reach our hotel around four and decide to take a little siesta time. Later on we head downtown to see what’s available for dinner and to check out their historic downtown. We have dinner in an historic building whose name is a palindrome. Strings Italian café is in the old bakery. If you write Yreka bakery you will find that it reads the same forwards and backwards. Unfortunately Strings Italian café is not a palindrome.

John diligently writing in his little notebook so we won’t forget what we are doing
Eggplant Parmesan, not the best but far from the worst
Yreka Bakery, a palindrome

After dinner we take a stroll up and down main street to see the buildings built in the late 19th century. Although there are a lot of historic buildings it seems that Yreka is not such a prospering town anymore. They had their moment of glory during the late 1800s gold rush but now only about 7000 people live here.

Victorian buildings in  downtown Yreka
Founded by a French guy not the Italian chef!

We have had a really great start to our vacation!

Phyllis comes to visit. July 31-August 6, 2019

I suggested to Phyllis that she might like to come out for a visit while she is not working. I was so amazed and pleased when she agreed to come. I plan a busy week that mostly works out well. We both have a great visit.

Our first adventure is on Thursday, August 1. With Sarah as our driver we take a trip up to Sonoma Wine Country. We stop at the Olive Press in the Jacuzzi Winery. We sample and buy some olive oil and vinegar and then do a small tasting of their wines. It is not busy and the man behind the bar looks like he could use some patronage.

Phyllis and Mary in front of Jacuzzi Winery

After this we go to Imagery Winery where we have a very nice tasting. I am so glad that Phyllis enjoys the wines and the experience. She even joins the wine club! Then we hurry over to Sonoma Square for our lunch at The Girl and the Fig where we have a tasty lunch and even order dessert, a fig bread pudding with salted caramel and cocoa nibs.

Fig bread pudding with salted caramel and cocoa nibs

Our last tasting at Three Sticks Winery in Sonoma is our least fun of the day. We had to make a reservation for a pricy tasting and tour of their adobe. The person assigned to us has a very lackluster attitude towards us. We sip their very few offerings because they are mostly sold out of everything. The tour is interesting, the wines are good, but the presentation is really lacking.

Room in the adobe complex where we have our tasting

Then we are stuck in horrendous traffic on the way home.

On Friday we have a date for tea at Tyme for Tea in Niles, CA. Sarah comes with us and we order the sparkling Victorian tea which comes with a glass of champagne, scones with clotted cream, lemon curd, and jam, various sandwiches, and desserts along with a personal choice pot of tea. It is all pretty delicious but there is so much food!! We have to bring some of the desserts home because we just cannot eat it all. And speaking of home, once more we are stuck in horrendous traffic on the way home.

Tea and scones
Phyllis and Sarah at Tyme for Tea
Tea sandwiches

On Saturday after a giant breakfast at Bill’s Cafe Phyllis and I brave the Farmer’s Market in downtown Pleasanton. We are looking for ingredients for a vegetable paella which we are planning to make tonight. There are so many stalls with so many vegetables and so many people shopping! One of the vendors is particularly aggressive with me. She keeps shoving samples that I do not want to eat in my face. We quickly buy the rest of the produce we need and head home. Later in the day we stop at the grocery store for the rest of our ingredients. The paella comes out very well and John, Phyllis, and I enjoy it. (Plus we enjoy the leftovers for several days!)

Vegetable paella

On Sunday we meet Jonathan and Ryan for lunch at Zeni’s. It is a favorite of ours and we are really hoping that Phyllis likes it. I took Peggy to lunch here and I am not sure that she really enjoyed herself although she says she liked it. Anyway, it is so great for Phyllis to see Jonathan again and he remarks to me later that he did not remember Phyllis being so funny. We all have a wonderful time with each other and the food although Phyllis cannot quite get over that the injera looks like Ace bandages!!

A platter of veggie combo and sizzling lamb at Zeni’s
Phyllis using her “Ace bandage” for a taste of Ethiopian food while Sarah watches

We head to Jon and Ryan’s afterward to meet up with Leigh, Sam, and Alex. The visit does not go quite as planned since an old friend from Iceland stops by with his daughter. The kids get very rambunctious. The friend does not seem to know that he should leave so we do.

Monday and it is time for another trip to Wine Country, this time in Napa. Sarah is our driver again. We have a lovely tasting at Sherwin Family Winery off Spring Mountain Road. The wine is good and the setting is beautiful. Phyllis signs up for the wine club and I buy a bottle of their Cabernet Sauvignon. Sarah busies herself taking selfies around the grounds while Phyllis and I enjoy the wines.

Mary and Phyllis toasting
Sarah takes a nice picture of us
I try a selfie of Phyllis and me but I need longer arms!!

For lunch we stop at Gott’s Roadside, the iconic place to eat in Napa Valley, We stand in line to order and sit at picnic tables. We all have hamburgers and French fries. Remembering the terrible traffic from Thursday we decide to head for home after lunch.

Mmm, burgers

Is it Tuesday already?! Tonight Phyllis is catching the red eye so at least we have today to continue our visit. We have lunch and a nice talk at Delatorre’s and for dinner we use up the rest of our Farmer’s Market produce and Sarah’s bounteous tomatoes.

Caprese salad
Yum! Brentwood corn

Around 8:30 PM we head to SFO. I can tell that Phyllis is nervous and we are glad that we go into the terminal with her because everything is pretty confusing. Luckily she has gotten TSA pre-check so at least security is less of an ordeal. Very bravely she waves good bye and I feel teary that my little sister is on her way home after what seems like a very short visit. I hope she will come again!!!

47th wedding anniversary celebration. 7/17/19

We are excitedly looking forward to our anniversary celebration. The day has certainly started off well with a beautiful bouquet of yellow roses!

Yellow roses

We head up to Healdsburg for an overnight and dinner at SingleThread, a restaurant which has recently received 3 Michelin stars. We have eaten at Michelin starred places before and had some incredible meals so we are looking forward to a gastronomic extravaganza.

A pictorial rendition of our dinner –

We are ushered up to their rooftop bar when we arrive for a welcoming drink (extra $$)
The table looks lovely when we are seated
Our first course is called Early Summer in Sonoma. The server quickly goes through all the things on the display. We cannot remember them all. I know we had an oyster and a piece of lamb. It is mostly raw fish.
An adjunct to the Summer in Sonoma arrives. The abalone is superb, the egg thing is very eggy, and the soup is delicious although mine had one of the pebbles from the presentation in it
This is a presentation of heirloom tomatoes along with kanpachi, pickled wasabi, and white gazpacho. The tomatoes and wonderberry are delicious
A box crab presentation. What? More seafood? Okay at least there is some corn. It is all very sweet.
Ugh, this is Miyazaki Waygu better known as tiny portions of rolled up tasteless, maybe raw beef. Texturally the meat is like mush. The very oily oil with truffles overwhelms everything
What’s this? A piece of peach with some cheese? What is it doing in the middle of the dinner? On the other hand at least it is not more of the same sashimi blandness
Next we have some black cod. This is John’s favorite. It is about a one inch square cube. We get excited when they bring the squash blossom. At first we think it might be bread. Alas, no bread.
Meat!! The lamb is good and served with a fava bean purée and green olives. We get our 2 ounce pour of red wine to go with it.
What the hell is this? They are saying it is waygu beef and farro. It tastes like Scotch broth but not in a good way. I eat the radishes
Serpentine cucumber. this is my favorite dish. It is refreshing and cool and has some texture. It is pretty ugly though.
I am actually eating this dessert with “frozen mugwort marshmallow snow.” The ice cream is good and the Albion strawberries are intense.
Some more dessert things

This is the most expensive meal we have ever eaten.  The blandness of the first five or so dishes is overwhelming. Along with the repetitive tastes and textures we have ordered the incredibly expensive wine pairing.  The first five are all mineral forward white wines from France, Germany, and Austria. The pours are tiny. We figure they are charging about $100 a 6 oz. pour. We ask the sommelier to check back with us after we try the wine so we can discuss it or maybe even ask for something different. He ignores us completely.

At one point the serving person asks me how I liked the sake. I say that sake is not my favorite due to its floral taste. She haughtily asks me where else have I eaten? Like I am some sort of rube that just came in off the potato truck. I am taken aback.

In addition to being ignored and insulted the waitstaff also speaks in hushed whispers. We cannot hear half of what they are saying. Three times we ask them to speak more loudly. They ignore our requests.

There are some really tasty vegetables and bites that stand out in this meal. I give their kitchen staff 3 stars for tweezer use. I also enjoyed their bathroom with the Japanese toilet that opens up as you walk in and shines a purple light on the bowl. The padded seat is warm and inviting.

So next year on our anniversary we will dine at a favorite restaurant which will treat us with respect, have tasty, varied dishes, more and better wine, and not cost an embarrassing amount of money.

Three holidays in one! 6/29/19

Today we celebrate three holidays in one – Christmas, Summer Solstice, and    Fourth of July! I really like this outdoor celebration of Christmas where we have a cookout and presents seem more exciting since it has been several months since the last big gift-giving extravaganza. This is our second summer Christmas. Maybe we should do it every year!

Brats, sauerkraut, and salads!
Family having a good time!

More fun on the NorCal coast. 6/14/19

This is our last day of our mini-vacation and I have plenty planned. Of course, things don’t always go as planned.  We take the drive up US 101 to the Prairie Creek State Park which is part of the State Parks and Redwood National Parks. Once we turn off the the main road we enter into a spooky, magical world of trees, ferns, and dust from the dirt road. I think both Alex and Sam are quite taken by this other-worldly place.

After about five miles we reach the ranger station. After presenting our National Parks pass, the ranger says casually, “There are some streams crossing the road. You’ll need to use your best judgement about crossing them.” Uh oh, we hope that this is not going to be a problem.

Our plan is to get to the trailhead of Fern Canyon, a beautiful trail which meanders along a creek that empties into the ocean. On either side are ferns towering on walls up to 20 feet high. This trail is especially fun for kids because there are lots of downed trees to climb over and around and little rivulets to splash around in. Here are some pictures from 2015 when John and I were here.

Beginning of the Fern Canyon Trail
A wall of ferns!
Downed trees

We cross one little stream which is no problem at all. Then we see a fast moving stream crossing the road. We pull over to take a look. John and Jon both decide that although the stream is not too deep, the bottom is filled with slippery rocks and stones. We are in Jon’s minivan. It’s not an off-roading kind of vehicle. So our first plan is dashed.

We decide instead to head to the nearby beach where we can try the kites again. Seems like a good idea. The wind is a little swifter today and maybe we can get both kites up. We find an absolutely deserted beach and John and Jon try their hands at the kites. Alex and Sam are perfectly happy cavorting in the sand with make-believe stick swords and driftwood forts.

There is no one on this beach!
Alex and Sam on the beach
Jon appears to be dancing with his kite
Jon is not having much luck getting his kite aloft
The men admit defeat!
Meanwhile, Alex and Sam are totally ignoring the adults

After managing to eke out some fun from our failed hike we move on to the next item on my agenda. We are going to the Lady Bird Johnson Grove which is an area of old growth redwoods. There is a 1.5 mile trail that loops through the forest. We also pick up a brochure on the way in with numbered sites to see. We know that Sam really enjoys finding each numbered view and he takes off to be our tour guide. He also enjoys running ahead and hiding and them jumping out at us. We have a beautiful walk through the woods.

Beeba with Alex and Sam
Sam in a stump
Jon, Sam, and Alex
Beeba and Zayde in a tree
Ferns, rhododendrons, and redwoods

On the way back to Trinidad we get a rare sight, an elk traffic jam! The elk stand in the middle of the road looking at us as we look at them. Finally they retreat into the woods.

Elk jam!

Here’s a new experience for me. Everyone decides that they want Mexican food for our late lunch. Since there are not a lot of dining choices in Trinidad we end up at the Chevron gas station which has an Aztec Grill and have a rustic lunch.

Lunch at the Aztec Grill

After a suitable rest back at the house we go down to the beach in Trinidad. There is a picturesque harbor and a large beach. Jon, Alex, and Sam take a walk up to the headland.

Jon overlooking the harbor
The beach in Trinidad
Sam and Alex at the top of the headland

We order pizza for dinner and spend the evening getting ourselves packed up. We are off for home around 9AM on Saturday morning. It is just a driving day with a necessary quick stop for ice cream.

We had a great time. The best thing that Alex could have said to me was, Beeba makes great vacations. She has everything planned out so there is always something to do.


Trees of Mystery and more! 6/13/19

We are off to the Trees of Mystery today! It is kind of like a Paul Bunyan theme park and I bet that most people, even Californians, have never heard of it.  When you approach there is a giant statue of Paul Bunyan with his blue ox, Babe. Bunyan is voiced by someone watching the people  come in and greets them personally while waving his giant hand. There are plenty of photo opportunities before you even buy your tickets.

Family and wooden bear
Alex and Sam with Babe
Jon and Alex by Paul Bunyan’s big foot

Next is our adventure in the woods where there are lots of named trees and information about the growing cycle of redwoods.

Jon, Alex, and Sam with a wooden chipmunk
Peering into the root end of a fallen redwood

When you get up the hill  through the trees there is a gondola ride which takes you high above the trees. You can see Karl the fog rolling in off the Pacific. From here on out Sam has instituted a thumbs up meme for all his pictures.

Thumbs up! Sam, Alex, and Jon on the gondola ride
Beeba at the top of the gondola ride

After we descend on the gondola there is a portion of the park that is about the Paul Bunyan story with lots of carved stumps. The kids enjoyed climbing on some of the carved animals.

Sam peeking out behind Alex on her turtle?

Lastly we are treated to another time capsule redwood cross section.

Cross-section of a redwood

We have spent several hours at the Trees of Mystery. What does the family think of our experience?

We had a good time!

We grab a so-so lunch at a place across the street from the park and then head back to Trinidad. The kids play video games or read for the rest of the afternoon. Jon and I both snooze in our recliner chairs. We are tired out from all the day’s excitement.

Tonight we are having our “fancy” dinner at a seafood restaurant called SALT in Arcata. It turns out to be a great experience with Alex and Sam trying fried calamari for the first time (a hit!). They also both try steamed mussels. This was a split decision with Sam giving it a thumbs up and Alex thinking that this seafood is not for him.

John and Jon at SALT
Sam really enjoys the fried calamari and mussels

Eureka! We found it! 6/12/19

After enjoying our breakfast at the Holiday Inn, we plan our day in Eureka. Later today we will head up to Trinidad and to our rental. The first thing on the agenda today is a look at the exterior of the Carson Mansion. The mansion is one of the finest examples of Queen Anne Victorian architecture. Since it is a private club we cannot go inside but we look at it from the outside and also at the pink house across the street. Since we are going to a Victorian millworks later this morning this is a good place to start. Exterior and interior wood pieces for these late 19th century houses are still being made at the Blue Ox Millworks in Eureka.

Carson Mansion
Sweet siblings in front of the Carson Mansion
Pink Victorian house across the street

Our next stop is at the Blue Ox Millworks. John and I have been here a couple of times before and enjoyed our visits to this working millworks and also trade school for at-risk teenagers. We are shown around by one of the staff who demonstrates the old-timey machines.

Alex, Sam, and Paul Bunyan at the Blue Ox Millworks
Demonstration of treadle powered jig saw
Old-fashioned router run by pedal-power

We wander around the rest of the complex looking at the old printing presses and talking about manual typesetting. Imagine having to set type in mirror image! Each font is in a separate drawer. It is especially fascinating to me since my grandfather Rogers used to run a press in his basement and set all his type by hand. Outside we look at other workshops, horses, and a giant cross-section of a redwood.  I think this attraction is a bigger hit with the adults than the kids.

Enormous cross-section of a redwood

Our next stop is at the Clendenon Cider Works. I figure this can work as a refreshment stop and a demonstration on how cider is made. Uh-oh we strike out. The cider works are not open until August. Oh well, next on my list is the Loleta Cheese factory. Even though when we get there they are not demonstrating cheese making at least there are a lot of free samples. I think Sam and Alex try everything at least twice. I thought the cheese was pretty blah but the kids like it.

So the morning is not terribly successful. But it is lunchtime and everyone always likes to cast their votes for where to eat. It seems like Mexican food is high on list of preferred cuisines so we stop at La Patria Mexican restaurant. Everybody is pretty happy with the food. Alex proclaims that these are the best chips ever!

My shrimp taco with glop and rice
John’s aguachile

There is still some time to kill before we can head up to the rental in Trinidad so we head for the beach. Beyond Humboldt Bay there are barrier islands which can be accessed by a couple of  bridges from Eureka. We drive down to the Samoa Dunes Recreation Area and try our hands at kite flying. Jonathan has some luck getting one of the kites flying but the other one is a dud. Alex and Sam each get a turn flying the kite that works but one kite for two kids is not optimal.

Alex kite flying
Sam kite flying

Next we head out to the beach where it is pretty much deserted. Jon and John try the kites again. No luck. But Sam and Alex are perfectly happy digging around in the sand, pretending things are forts and finding sticks to battle with.

Young man and the sea
Alex and her excellent stick.

Now we head up to Trinidad and check into the very hot rental apartment. It must be setting heat records all up and down the coast! The ad had said the rental has air conditioning but when I call the owner about it he just laughs and tells me you do not need air conditioning in Trinidad. It is over 85F in the rental so we open all the windows and turn on the ceiling fans. It finallly cools off in the evening. Jon and I head to the store for some groceries and Jon makes pasta and sauce which everyone enjoys. We settle into our new space and have an enjoyable evening watching The LEGO Movie.