We start the day with a trip into Munich on the U-bahn to the Staatsgalerie Moderner Kunst. (State Modern Art Museum) We walk through the beautiful Hofgarten of Royal Garden along the way. In the museum there is an impressive collection of Klee and Kitchener and some Picassos and Kandinsky. I think, though, I enjoy the smaller museum in Stuttgart.

In the afternoon we go to Hersching to see Andechs Monastery and eat lunch at the Andechser Hof. The monks brew beer at the monastery and it is served at the Hof. The weiss beer is very good but maybe not as good as Schneider’s. John has maulthaschen which is a layered noodle and minced beef dish and I had the standard wurst and kraut. My wurst and kraut meal is fine but I think I have had it enough times this trip!

After a very uphill walk we visit the monastery. I am very taken aback by the baroque, gilded church. First, why spend so much money on decoration when the money could have been spent on poor people. Second, why did all these “devout” people stand by while the Nazis killed millions.

Later, back in our room, we watch Agassi play Escude. It is incredible that Agassi won! All the excitement of the match means that I stay up until almost 11 PM! Maybe I am finally over jet lag!?
P.S. Spoke with Sarah. She seems happy and is full of news.