As you recall, vacation tip #5 exhorted you to not drink alcohol at lunch during your vacation. However, the corollary is all-encompassing. The corollary to “don’t drink at lunch” is, never, never, never have a drink which sports an umbrella. Really, people, think about it. An umbrella drink typically has fruit juices (100+ calories), one or more shots of alcohol (100 per shot), and sugar (about 50 per tablespoon.) So you’ve got a tall drink there that can cost you about 400-500 calories. That’s probably about 1/4 to 1/3 of your daily intake. A glass of wine runs around 100 calories depending on the alcohol content. Beer is also manageable. But unless you are planning on taking the umbrella with you on a 3 or 4 mile run, leave it where it belongs – safely with the bartender.