Today we are going to have my birthday celebration and I am really looking forward to it. I have made reservations at Il Pennello. We will meet there at 1 PM.
Jon and Ryan scurry off to the Accademia to see the David and the other earlier works in the morning.

Sarah and John spend time this morning trying to find bagels for Christmas breakfast. The website says that Mama’s Bakery is open but when they get there they find it is closed until January 7. Bummer. They go to the the Mercato Centrale and the Conrad but these stores do not carry bagels. We will have to come up with Plan B.
Back to the birthday celebrations…
We go to Il Pennello for our 1 PM dinner. We are eating early in the day because it is Sunday and the restaurants will be closing for dinner.

I get to sit between Jon and Sarah while John and Ryan sit across from us. We all order wine.

Everyone has brought me birthday cards! I love it! It is possible that I reminded everyone to put cards in their suitcases.

We order a wide variety of things to eat.

This was my best birthday ever!!!
After lunch Ryan and Jon head off for the Galileo Museum, the Baptistry, and climb the campanile. They have so much energy!

John, Sarah, and I head for the Accademia. Here are some things we enjoy-

At this point John and Sarah go upstairs to do more appreciating and I take a seat behind the statue of David appreciating his butt and watching other appreciators. They are gone a looong time. When they finally reappear I have been texting them for quite a while. Unfortunately, the texts never reached them.
Since we are all quite full from our big lunch we just pick over our salami, chopped liver, cheese, and chips for dinner.