Today we are in Eidfjord, a picturesque little town in fjord country. It is so small that there are no traffic lights and are ship parked in front of the hotel here totally blocks the view of the fjord for anyone staying at the hotel.
We take a short bus ride to Hardangervidda Nature Center to learn about fjords and the flora and fauna of the area.

First we are treated to a short movie showing the beauty of the region and then we go out to explore the exhibits.

Across the street from the nature center is a restaurant and the requisite gift shop. They have a novel way of keeping the grass growing on the roof under control.

Fall is coming to this part of the world.

On the way back the mountains are reflected in the fjord.

We are back just in time for lunch! The World Cafe is quiet today because most of the excursions left later than ours. As usual we end our lunch with an oatmeal raisin cookie.

There is not much to do in the town of Eidfjord and even less so today as it is Sunday. I take the time to catch up on my blogs, look out at the mountains and fjord, and concentrate my efforts to try to shake my cold before the long flight home.
We have a really big balcony and we put it to use watching the ship get ready to depart and photographing the beauty of the area as we depart.

We think about going down to dinner but I really do not feel like getting dressed and eating fancy food. Plus I am trying not to infect my fellow passengers. So we order room service and I get a hot dog. It is weird.

We go to bed early which is a good thing because around 12:30 AM the seas are so rough that things are clanging around and we are buffeted around for the next four hours. We have to spend a portion of our time in the North Sea and it is way rougher than the Baltic Sea or the fjords.
P.S. The title of the blog today, Pining for Fjords, is a reference to the Monty Python sketch, The Dead Parrot.
As the sun sets in the west, we say goodbye to………………..
That was the line in the movie travelogue years ago – but you sure did a great job of taking me on your trip….safe journey home and hope you feel better once you reach the good old US of A.