Since we just have gotten back from our Italy trip and there are engagement conflicts for the first two nights of Passover, we have our Seder on third night of Passover, April 1. I always enjoy preparing the food and getting the table ready.

Jonathan and Ryan with the kids and Ryan’s sister arrive at 4 PM. The first order of business is some picture taking!

Back in the house Nathan arranges the 10 plagues on the mantle while Sam directs the action by looking up the plagues on his laptop.

Now it is time to get down to serious Seder business.

We finish up the evening with some hearty “pouring out of wrath” and many songs. This is our best Seder yet!
You and John do a great job – really traditional and beautiful Seder….Covered everything and wish I could have joined you – especially for those home made macaroons – with very best wishes – and thanks again for taking me on your trip and letting me share in your Seder….fondly – Mimi Friedman