Nathan and Sam have just finished up school the day before they arrive in St. George. John and I are really looking forward to their visit. They are flying to St. George airport which requires a change of planes in Salt Lake City. It is nice not to have to drive back and forth from St. George and Las Vegas.

Jonathan and I go shopping. What’s for breakfast, lunch, and dinner is an important question with two growing boys. One night we have burgers, the next, some tacos.

One hot afternoon we spend some time at the Dinosaur Tracks Museum and finish off with sundaes at Culver’s.

One of our big plans is to go to Bryce Canyon NP with a stop at Cedar Breaks NM.

After the overlook we head to Cedar Breaks National Monument. The site is at over 10,000 feet and I know that I will not be hiking. John and Nathan in the other car miss the turn off so we wait for a while for them to arrive. In the meantime I buy Sam a thermometer and a compass which happen to be connected to a whistle. What was I thinking?! When Nathan arrives he wants one too. So now we have kids in both cars we whistles!

Around lunchtime we reach Bryce NP. After a quick lunch at the restaurant at Ruby’s Inn, we take the shuttle out to Bryce Point. The view is fabulous.

Jonathan, Nathan, and Sam go for a three mile hike in Bryce Canyon. John and I go for a nap.
We return home in time for the show Shrek:the Muscial at the Tuacahn Amphitheater. It is great fun seeing the show. Eating frozen lemonade is part of the experience.

We spend three afternoons at the Sand Hollow Pool. It has a giant slide, a whirlpool, and a ropes course through an alligator infested pond.

We also go to the House of Jump two times. It is important to follow this activity up with a hot fudge sundae at Dairy Queen.

Our time together is almost over and we plan a little hiking in Zion NP. Instead of going with the rest of the tourists we take a hike on a little used trail and then go off trail to a slick rock area. Nathan and Sam mark the way with cairns so we will not get lost.

Before we head over to Oscar’s for lunch we spend a little time at the Lava Point Overlook.

All of a sudden it is Sunday and our visit is over. We take Jon, Nathan, and Sam to the airport and wish them goodbye and a safe journey home. I know they have had fun but they are looking forward to seeing Mom and Auntie again. The house seems pretty quiet Sunday night.

All that is left for John and me to do is to clean up and head home. We start the drive home on Monday and stop at Seven Magic Mountains on the way home. We had a wonderful visit and are already thinking of new things to do when they come next year.