Little churches in the Veneto countryside – 3/28/17

Our departure from Venice goes very smoothly. The water taxi arrives right on time, no one falls in the water getting into or out of the boat, and it cost less than the trip out from the train station. So win, win, win.

We get our car with no problems. It is an Opel Insignia diesel with an automatic transmission! Ever since we had the problem with John getting sick while on the road in Spain, we have been suggesting it might be a good idea if we got a car that all three of us could drive in a pinch. So, yay!

Our first stop is the Abbaye Santa Maria Maggiore in Summaga. It is a little 11th century church out in the countrside. Although many of its frescoes are damaged, they are still pretty charming.

Apse of Santa Maria Maggiore
Fresco of St. Florin with his attributes of a pail of water and a burning building. It is unclear why there is a cow.

Next we head to Concordia Sagittaria, an old Roman town. First stop is the Cathedral of St. Stephen. The church has been pretty much renovated but holds a few frescoes and Roman pieces.

Old Roman fountain used as a holy water basin in the Church of St. Stephen

Next to St. Stephen is the footprint and remains of the original basilica from the 300’s. Through a door in the museum you can access the old basilica. There are tessellated floors and the site of the old apse with a trichorum where the bones of ancient martyrs killed by Diocletian were buried.

Old basilica


Ruins of ancient basilica

There is also an old Baptistry with the remains of its frescoes.

Inside of 13th century Baptistry
St. George on his horse

We are close to the Adriatic Sea and think it might be fun to have lunch at a seafood restaurant near the water. The beach town of Caorle is still pretty quiet in March but the sun is shining and it is close to 70 degrees out.

Adriatic Sea at Caorle

Along the main drag we find the seafood restaurant, Antica Patronia, and settle in for lunch. (I must put in full size pictures of this picturesque lunch.)

Mary’s scallops
John’s shrimp in saor (pickled)
Sarah’s seafood crude (raw)
Sarah and I both have fried seafood hers was mixed and mine was all calamari
John’s sautéed baby octopus

Finally we stop at the Benedictine Abbey Santa Maria in Silvis. It is oldish (15th century) and has some frescoes. Against the rules I take some pictures and get yelled at. It is a stupid rule and I intend to keep breaking it. There is a massive fresco of the Final Judgment and the people who get to Heaven on one wall and a fresco of hell on the other.  The hell fresco is very damaged but heaven is still in good shape.


Folks who make it into heaven

From here we head to our stop for the night, Portogruaro. Everyone is tired and not interested in dinner. I had the least odd lunch but I am the one who ends up getting sick.

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