(Finally, am able to get pictures!)
We spend the night and morning sailing to Bratislava. Everyone watches while the boat goes through a lock. It was built to facilitate a large power plant built in the Soviet era.
Then we have a life vest drill. Everyone is looking very spiffy in their Italian designed life jackets. Also before lunch we attend a slide show presentation on Mozart.
We get to Bratislava around 2 PM and are out on the city tour about a half an hour later. We see many sights in the city and have a walking tour of the castle grounds and the old town. Slovaks are very proud of their country and independence and we hear many stories about the bad old days of the Communist regime. Bratislava is only about 2 km from Austria but anyone caught in the forest looking to try to make it over the border was shot.
After a drink in the lounge and talk from the program director about what is coming up tomorrow in Vienna, we have dinner. There is a Slovak folk show in the evening but John and I are very tired (it is the dreaded third day of jetlag) and we retire early.