While it might seem like we did not do anything during January, it’s not true. I have just been procrastinating about writing my blog.
Sam turns 6 on January 11! We go to his after party party. His first party has been with his friends at the Legos store. Auntie Leigh makes him another incredible cake. This time it is of an Enderman from the Minecraft game. He opens our presents and we all eat cake!
On January 16 we host a dinner for our friends, Diana and Peter. I make some pretty killer hors d’ouevres, potatoes, and green beans and John seares some scallops. We have sherbet and strawberries for dessert. I think the dinner is a success!
Later this weekend, Jonathan, Nathan, and Sam come over. In addition to playing tennis all together and going out to lunch, we take Nathan and Sam for haircuts. The kids seem pleased by their new shorter locks!
The next weekend, January 24, Sarah moves back home. Jonathan, John, and I help with the move. Before long she is looking pretty settled in her upstaris apartment although there are still pictures to be hung and John and I need to finish clearing out one of the closets. This move is good for us too as we are forced to deal with a lot of accumulated junk.
Finally after quite a long time due to John’s hip surgery, we make it back to Utah. Mostly I want to get the house clean and ready for my sisters’ visit at the end of February. We have a couple of rainy days but the temperatures are springlike and we visit Zion while there.
In addition to all these activities John pays his last visit to the doctor and gets the go ahead to resume normal activities, we have a lot of workers in to take care of plumbing, cable and gutters, I take Jonathan shopping for his birthday, and we have dinner out with Karen and George.
At first I was going to write that January was a slow month – but I guess it wasn’t!!