June 21, 2013 – Friday night at the park

It’s Friday. It’s summer. So it’s time to meet at the park to listen to music, have a picnic dinner and catch up with our P-town friends. This is a nice summer tradition. We don’t get to all of the Fridays due to other engagements but it’s always fun to see friends that we’ve neglected a bit too much. Our food for the evening is cheddar-horseradish pub cheese with pumpernickel pretzels, BBQ ribs (pre-made from the grocery store) that John partially frenches so that you can hold onto them without getting your hands messy and German potato salad. Luree has brought along a tasty pasta salad. People seemed to enjoy the ribs and potato salad. Of course there’s also a little wine and a little music from the band of the week. It’s a nice way to end the work week (but luckily we are all retired!)

Luree and Bill
Luree and Bill

The back of Madelynn's head and Steve
The back of Madelynn’s head and Steve
John and Steve
John and Steve

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