John and I go over to Nathan’s house on his birthday to wish him happy birthday and bring along a few presents. We have been away since the beginning of January and it is so good to see Nathan and Sam again. It is hard to believe that Nathan is already seven. It seems like he was just a baby not too long ago.
One of the gifts we give him is an encyclopedia of Star War characters. He goes through it page by page telling me about each one.
Both boys are enthralled by the Star Wars saga. So far they have seen Epsodes IV, V, and VI.
The next day we go over for the party. There are a lot of little boys and girls here! The boys play raucously and the girls play quietly in a group. Sam and a little girl from Iceland who is also younger than the others hide behind a chair. Auntie Leigh has made a special Star Wars cake for the occasion.
Sam also enjoys hanging with the adults and trying the various hors d’oeuvres.
Finally it is time for the cake to be lighted, the candles blown out and a spirited rendition of Happy Birthday to be sung. Happy Birthday, Nathan!