Because I’ve been a bit lazy since we got home, I am posting the last day of our trip (see post of August 30) and the wrap up today on Facebook.
We get home on the 31st after 7 weeks on the road. Oh, it is so nice to have space again! And sleep in our own bed! And have TiVo! And of course we are looking forward to seeing Sarah (who is here right now baking cookies), Ryan, Jon, Nathan and Sam (whom we are seeing tomorrow.)

People have asked us what did we like best. We usually answer that Kansas City was really great and that we enjoyed the Newseum in Washington a lot. Some of the best things were seeing my sister, Peggy, and my two best friends, Sophie and Eileen. Having dinner with our nephew and his wife was also special. But the best, best thing of all was having seven concentrated weeks of being with my very best friend and “enormous information universe,” John.
Finally, what of our little traveling buddies, Clark and Lewis? Well, they are happy to be home too. They enjoyed meeting the P-town folks at the Concert in the Park last night. And just relaxing at home. I am sure, though, that they’ll be itching to go somewhere before too long.