The second day in Prescott we go to the Smoki Museum (pronounced smoke eye.) This is a weird place. In the early 1900’s in order to make money for the Prescott rodeo, a bunch of white guys performed a Hopi Snake Dance in full regalia. It was not done in a respectful manner. The group morphed into this Smoki Club with secret signs and chiefs and the whole deal. Even Barry Goldwater was a member. This continued until the 70’s when, duh, people realized how racist it was and its popularity waned.
The museum has a bunch of Native American artifacts and Smoki memorabilia. The earnest docents (who totally would like to have been chieftesses) explain the history. The whole thing is pretty bizarre.

Then we return to Eileen and Jim’s for an evening of revelry. John makes margaritas and Eileen makes fish tacos. Later Wouter and Paul, friends of their daughter, arrive from Frankfurt. More fun ensues.

Many thanks to Eileen and Jim for a great visit!