So just a couple of things going on this week before we head out to St. George to try to catch the last of the tolerable weather before the intense heat of summer sets in. On Monday, we went up to Sonoma wine country to pick up our order at Jacuzzi Winery with Karen and George. After that we also stopped at Robledo Winery and tasted a bit of their wine.
The tasting was followed by an excellent lunch in downtown Sonoma at LaSalette, a Portuguese restaurant. The food was really good and reminded us of our trip to Spain a few months ago. John had a Portuguese soup and tripe and I had an asparagus salad with fried egg followed by scallops on sweet potatoes. As I said, really good.
I guess the big news, though, is that we traded in John’s old Lincoln for a eco-friendly Hyundai Sonata Hybrid! We are really excited about the new car and in our driving try to keep the gauge in the eco zone. Right now we are averaging about 35 mpg which is quite a difference from the Murano. But you can’t beat the Murano for comfort and we will take the Murano on our cross country trip. The car is black with bright blue tags showing that it is a hybrid. Many thanks to Jonathan who helped us narrow down our choices.