May 13, 2016 – Jonathan sings with the Stanford Symphonic Chorus

Tonight is another concert with the Stanford Symphonic Chorus and Orchestra.  This one is being held at the Stanford Memorial Church. I don’t think I have ever been in this building before.  It is pretty fancy.

Stanford Memorial Church
Stanford Memorial Church

Tonight’s program include two orchestral works in the first half of the program. The first is a work by Mozart, Ein musikalischer Spass or A Musical Joke. The piece is full of the musical conceits of his contemporaries. It kind of leaves me unimpressed. Then there is a piece by Benjamin Britten, Simple Symphony. It is full of the delight children have in music with folk dances and fairy tales.

In the second half the chorus shares the stage for Mozart’s Great Mass in C minor. They are really crammed into the smallish stage.  It is hard to find Jon among the great mass of people.

Chorus on stage
Chorus on stage
Finally I find Jon peering out among a sea of shoulders and heads
Finally I find Jon peering out among a sea of shoulders and heads

The chorus and soloists do a fine job although it seems long to me.  Afterwards Jon takes us across the quad to his new office.  What a nice location and we are so proud of him for all he has accomplished!

Jonathan by his office entrance
Jonathan by his office entrance

May 8, 2016 – Mother’s Day

I am just the luckiest of mothers and grandmothers! All my children and grandchildren are nearby and I can see them whenever I want.  Today for Mother’s Day I got a beautiful surprise from John, yellow roses, my favorites! He is the sweetest husband ever!

Yellow roses from John on the mantel
Yellow roses from John on the mantel

For breakfast Sarah made pretzel rolls.  This has become a tradition for Mother’s Day and they are sooooooo good! She served this with a cup of one of her fancy teas.

Pretzel rolls by Sarah and a cup of her fancy tea
Pretzel rolls by Sarah and a cup of her fancy tea

Later we went over to Jon’s for a bagel and lox lunch. It was a bread intensive day! Since I was queen for the day as evidenced by both kids sending me cards that said I was the queen, I didn’t take any pictures. So no further pictures were taken.

Nathan and Sam made me cards and a wooden planter with a succulent in it and I also got a bouquet of flowers from Ryan and Jon.

It was a really nice day!